your event is confirmed!


We base our delivery schedule off of the starting and ending time in your contract. We aim to have your equipment up and running 30 minutes before your contracted start time in order to provide flexibility for troubleshooting any power or water problems once we arrive.

One to two days before your event, you will receive a text and an email with your scheduled ETA. This is an estimate and may change as your event approaches.

Keep in mind that if you are renting a park or pavillion, we will arrive to setup up to two hours before your contracted start time and two hours after your contracted end time. Someone must be there to meet us when we arrive and equipment must be attended at all times.

In order to supply 5-star service, blower manufacturers recommend a dedicated 15 amp circuit within 50 feet keeping in mind that the best outlet is often through a window. But don’t worry, we can put a towel in the window to keep bugs out and the AC in. Inadequate power can cause the blower to fail and the unit to lose air abruptly. The longer the cord is, the more power is lost in the extension cord which can compromise the quality of your bouncing experience.

You are responsible for providing one hose per item you plan on using water with. Pro tip: If you need more than one hose, you can ask a neighbor if you can borrow one for the party. Make sure to invite their kids if they say yes!

To make sure we are set up in the correct location as well as show us where power and water are located, we require that an adult is there to meet us when we arrive.

Please respect our delivery crew and other customer’s time by being outside and ready when we arrive to avoid a $59 fee per 15 minutes.

25 your next rental 6 Event Confirmed